Healthy Living
The Supplement Shown to Slow Age-Related Hearing Loss
Date: 2023-10-16 11:59:55
Can we prevent hearing loss with supplements? Some studies found that higher levels of folate in the blood seem to correlate with better hearing, so researchers decided to put it to the test.
If you missed the first video in this three-part series, see Age-Related Hearing Loss Is Preventable—What Causes It? ( The next and final one is The Diet Shown to Slow Age-Related Hearing Loss (
If you’re unfamiliar with sorghum, check out my videos Is Sorghum a Healthy Grain? ( and The Health Benefits of Sorghum (
The video I mentioned about brain inflammation is Fighting Autism Brain Inflammation with Food (
For more on how to live your longest, healthiest life, preorder my new book How Not to Age ( (As always, all proceeds I receive from all of my books ( are donated to charity.)
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Thanks for watching. I hope you’ll join in the evidence-based nutrition revolution!
-Michael Greger, MD FACLM
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