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Spot on the Iris? (Iris Freckle Vs Iris Nevus)

Healthy Living

Spot on the Iris? (Iris Freckle Vs Iris Nevus)

Date: 2024-08-27 13:32:57


Iris nevi and freckles are both types of spots found on the iris, but they differ significantly in terms of their implications for eye health. An iris nevus, is a benign pigmented spot on the eye, often presenting as dark spots on the iris and typically associated with normal variations in eye color. While they usually pose no threat, they can occasionally be confused with more serious conditions such as iris melanoma or eye cancer, particularly if there is a noticeable change in the spot’s appearance. On the other hand, freckles on the iris, also known as colored spots on the iris, are generally harmless but still warrant regular check-ups with a doctor specializing in eye health to monitor any changes. Heterochromia, where the iris color differs between eyes, is unrelated to these spots but can be a notable characteristic affecting eye color. For any concerns about spots on the eye, consulting a doctor for thorough eye health evaluation is crucial to ensure there are no underlying issues.

Image Credit:
Moshirfar M, Ronquillo Y. Benign and Malignant Iris Tumors. [Updated 2024 Jan 11]. In: StatPearls [Internet]. Treasure Island (FL): StatPearls Publishing; 2024 Jan-. Available from:

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