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Can Pineapple CURE Eye Floaters?

Healthy Living

Can Pineapple CURE Eye Floaters?

Date: 2025-02-04 18:56:07


Ever hear that pineapple could help cure eye floaters? Pineapple contains an enzyme called bromelain which has been suggested to help break down collagen and aid in the removal of eye floaters.

Many people seek natural remedies, and pineapple, specifically its enzyme bromelain, is often touted as a potential treatment. While some studies suggest bromelain may have a positive effect on floaters, the research is limited and inconclusive. Most doctors don’t currently recommend pineapple as a primary treatment due to the lack of strong evidence. This short explores the science behind the pineapple-floater connection, examining the existing research and explaining why it’s crucial to consult with an eye doctor before relying on dietary changes for this condition. We’ll separate fact from fiction and discuss more established approaches to managing eye floaters.

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