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Better Vision with the Carnivore Diet?

Healthy Living

Better Vision with the Carnivore Diet?

Date: 2025-03-09 16:21:04


Can the carnivore diet actually improve your vision? 🤔 Many people claim their eyesight has gotten better since switching to an all-meat diet—reporting clearer vision, reduced eye floaters, and even improvements in dry eye. But is there any science behind these claims? 🔬👀 Watch now to find out!

Have you tried the carnivore diet? Let me know how it has affected you and your health!

While the carnivore diet eliminates many processed foods, sugars, and possible allergens, there is no long-term research confirming its effects on vision or overall eye health. In fact, most studies suggest that a plant-rich diet with antioxidants supports better eye health over time.

#CarnivoreDiet #eyesight

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