Wellness Content – Overeating Series: Part 2 with Haley a Licensed Psychologist
November 17, 2024Date: 2024-11-14 18:00:02 What if I told you that our eating habits are influenced by numerous factors that are often beyond our awareness and control? Read part 2 of my Overeating Series to find out more! https://gofb.info/OvereatingSeriesPart2 #overeating #eatingtips #healthyeatinghabits #healthyeatingtips
Augmented Reality Glasses – Doomed to Fail? Or Change the World?
November 17, 2024Date: 2024-11-14 14:43:28 In this video, I dive into Augmented Reality Glasses or AR glasses, and discuss why they are so exciting. From assisting with everyday tasks, enhancing work productivity, and even leveling up the video gaming experience, the potential of AR glasses is mind-blowing! 🚀 Several famous YouTubers such as @mkbhd and @tested posted […]
Friday Favorites: Elderberry Benefits and Side Effects – Does It Help with Colds and the Flu?
November 15, 2024Date: 2024-11-15 12:59:46 How effective are flu shots, elderberries, echinacea, and cranberries? What else can we do for the common cold? Check out: • Can Gargling Prevent the Common Cold? (https://nutritionfacts.org/video/can-gargling-prevent-the-common-cold/) • Preventing the Common Cold with Probiotics? (https://nutritionfacts.org/video/preventing-the-common-cold-with-probiotics/) • Kiwifruit for the Common Cold (https://nutritionfacts.org/video/kiwifruit-for-the-common-cold) • Preserving Athlete Immunity with Chlorella (https://nutritionfacts.org/video/preserving-athlete-immunity-with-chlorella) • Using […]
20 off all @popflexactive leggings for 36 hoursGO!!!
November 14, 2024Date: 2024-11-12 23:05:07 U know that feeling when you big time SCORE on a good deal!? Well, felt like giving you 💲2️⃣0️⃣ off each and every single pair of leggings on the @popflexactivesite for the next 36 hrs CUZ Y NOT. I want you guys to experience these leggings and fall in love with them […]
NEW! Unilateral Glutes and Core Stability Workout
November 14, 2024Date: 2024-11-13 18:00:40 If you are feeling fatigued yet still desire to engage in physical activity, my newest Unilateral Glutes and Core Stability workout is for you. You will develop greater stability, enhance total body coordination, and strengthen your glutes, resulting in a sense of alignment and strength. https://gofb.info/UnilateralGluteCoreStability #unilateralexercises #unilateraltraining #corestability
Demodex Mites EXPOSED What’s Hiding on Your Face
November 14, 2024Date: 2024-11-12 14:58:13 Do you have mites living on your eyelids?! #SponsoredByTarsus An overgrowth of Demodex mites is a common cause of itchy, red, and irritated eyelids, a condition called Demodex blepharitis. Unfortunately, this condition often goes misdiagnosed because it shares similar symptoms to other eye conditions. That is why we are partnering with Tarsus […]
Freeze Your Blueberries to Boost Antioxidant Levels! Dr. Mandell
November 14, 2024Date: 2024-11-14 00:59:50